Be creative in the kitchen.
We'll show you how you can create many of great, protein-rich recipes with Mammut products.
Peanut Butter Banana Roll

- 50 g Whey Protein Vanilla or Vanilla Ice Cream
- 70 g peanut butter
- 100 g instant oats
- 2 eggs
- 100 g low-fat quark
- 5 g baking powder
- a little cinnamon
- 200 g banana
- sweetener of your choice
Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat.
Measure out about 50 g of the peanut butter and set aside.
Mix the rest of the peanut butter with the oats, eggs, low-fat quark, baking powder and a little bit of cinnamon and knead into a smooth dough. Then dust the work surface with enough flour and roll out the dough flat.
Spread the dough with the peanut butter that has been set aside, cut the banana into pieces and cover with it. Carefully roll everything up and press the end down.
Place the roll on a baking tray and bake for about 35 - 40 minutes.
Mango Pie

- 60 g Whey Protein Mango Passion Fruit
- 20 g coconut flour
- 70 g ground oats (alternative: flour)
- 2 ripe bananas
- 5 g baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 150 g low-fat quark
Fruit layer:
- 250 g mango (pureed)
- 1 bag of vanilla custard powder
- 50 ml water
Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat.
Puree all the ingredients for the base, pour into a mould (here: 24 cm silicone mould) and bake for approx. 25 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the fruit layer. Prepare the custard powder with the pureed mango and 50 ml water (not milk).
Leave the baked base to cool down slightly. First spread the base with the cream and then carefully spread the fruit mixture on top. Before cutting, leave the cake in the fridge for at least 2 - 3 hours to set.
Pumpkin Yoghurt

- 40 g Whey Protein Vanilla Icecream
- 100 g pumpkin
- 100 g natural yoghurt
- some cinnamon and cardamom
- optionally some sweetener
Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and cook in the microwave with a little water for about 4 - 5 minutes. Then puree and mix with the remaining ingredients.
Vanilla Custard Puff Pastry

- 50 g Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
- 100 g spelt flour
- 140 g low-fat quark cream
- 1 egg
- 5 g rapeseed or coconut oil
- a little baking powder
- pinch of salt
- Sweetener as required (e.g. a little bit of sweetener)
Pudding curd:
- 160 g low-fat curd
- 5 g vanilla custard powder
- 100 - 150 g fruit of your choice
- Sweetener as required (e.g. sweetener)
Preheat the oven to 165 °C fan oven.
For the dough, first mix all the wet ingredients well. Add the flour, Whey Protein, baking powder, salt and sweetener. Using a dampened tablespoon, spread the dough like a blob onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Flatten the mixture slightly and form a small hollow in the centre.
Mix the custard and pour it into the small cavities. Finally, top with a fruit of your choice and bake for about 25 - 30 minutes until golden.
Muffins with fig

- 30 g Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
- 20 g coconut flour
- 1/2 bag of baking powder
- 150 g low-fat quark
- some cinnamon and cardamom
- 2 eggs
- optionally some extra sweetener
- 1 fig
Preheat the oven to 170 °C top and bottom heat.
Mix all the ingredients for the batter and place in muffin tins. Cut the fig into slices and place a fig slice on each muffin.
Bake the muffins for approx. 15 - 20 minutes.
Summer Fruit Cake

- 30 g Mammut Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
- 30 g coconut flour (de-oiled)
- 30 g almond flour (de-oiled)
- 10 g linseed flour / psyllium husks
- 1/2 packet of baking powder (8 g)
- 150 ml water
- pinch of salt
- 300 g High Protein Pudding
- 1 sheet gelatine
Fruit layer:
- 250 g fruit of your choice
- 1/2 packet clear cake glaze
Preheat the oven to 165 °C fan oven.
For the pastry, mix all the ingredients together and pour into a cake tin. Bake the base for approx. 30 minutes. Then leave to cool.
In the meantime, soak the gelatine. Dissolve the squeezed gelatine with approx. 100 g of the ready-made High Protein Pudding over a low heat while stirring. Then quickly add to the remaining pudding and mix in.
Place a cake ring around the baked base, fill with the pudding and smooth down. Leave to set in the fridge overnight. Top the cake with fruit of your choice and "fix" it with some cake glaze.
Rice Pudding

- 60 g rice
- 40 g Whey Protein Mango Passion Fruit
- fresh fruit (e.g. mango, apricots and nectarines)
- optionally some additional sweetener of your choice
Topping (optional):
- 50 g Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
- a little water
Boil down the rice. Reduce the water slightly so that it becomes sloppy. Allow to cool briefly and stir in the Whey Protein.
Cut the fruit into small pieces and layer alternately with the rice pudding in a glass.
Top with a vanilla sauce made from 50 g Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream and a little water (the amount depends on the desired consistency).
Chocolate Cherry Brownies

- 25 g Whey Protein Brownie
- 25 g spelt flour
- 10 g baking cocoa
- 1 egg
- 100 g Skyr or 80 g low-fat quark
- 100 g drained cherries
- a little baking powder and a pinch of salt
- sweetener as required
Preheat the oven to 160 °C fan oven.
Mix the skyr or low-fat quark and the egg, then add the dry ingredients. Finally, carefully add the cherries.
Pour the mixture into a baking tin lined with baking parchment and bake at 160 °C fan oven for about 30 minutes, testing with a stick.
Leave the cake to cool, preferably in the fridge - it tastes best that way!
Pear Brownies

- 80 g coconut flour + 20 g almond flour (or: 130 g spelt flour).
- 50 g Whey Protein Brownie
- 10 g baking cocoa
- 1 packet of baking powder + pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 1 pear
- 300 ml milk
- Sweetener of your choice (e.g. approx. 50 g erythritol)
Preheat the oven to 175 °C fan oven. Cut the pear into small pieces. Now mix all the other ingredients together and add enough milk to make a homogeneous dough. Then add the pear pieces and pour everything into a suitable baking dish. Smooth out the mixture and bake for approx. 25 - 30 minutes. Allow to cool well afterwards!
White Protein Balls

- 30 g Whey Protein Coconut White Chocolate
- 10 g coconut flour
- 30 g almond flour
- 100 g quark
- sweetener
Coconut coating:
- 20 g coconut flakes
- 10-12 almonds
Mix the ingredients for the dough. Carefully form small balls with moistened hands, coating each almond with the mixture.
Put the coconut flakes in a bowl and roll the balls in them.
Leave the protein balls in the fridge for about 1 hour to set.

Chocolate base/ crumble:
- 40 g Whey Protein Cookies
- 200 g quark
- 2 eggs
- 30 g coconut flour
- 20 g baking cocoa
- 1/2 packet baking powder
- sweetener
- (optionally some water for consistency)
Vanilla layer:
- 40 g Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1/2 packet custard powder
- 200 g quark
- 200 low-fat cream cheese
- 2 eggs
- sweetener
Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat.
Mix the ingredients for the base and pour about 2/3 of it into a tin (18 or 24 cm springform tin). Put the rest aside for the crumble. Pre-bake the base for about 10 minutes.
Mix the ingredients for the vanilla layer and spread on the chocolate base. Now carefully spread a few blobs of the remaining chocolate batter on top of the vanilla layer. Bake everything together for approx. 25 - 30 min.
Blueberry Cups

- 50 g Whey Protein Coconut White Chocolate
- 200 g flour
- 20 g coconut oil
- 50 ml almond milk
- 1 pinch of salt
- 5 g baking powder
- a little bit of sweetener
- 30 g Whey Protein Blueberry Cheesecake
- 100 g low-fat quark
- 20 ml water
- 15 g instant gelatine
- a little bit of sweetener
- 30 g blueberries
Preheat the oven to 175 °C top and bottom heat.
Mix the ingredients. Knead well until the dough is slightly crumbly but still holds together well. Press the dough into 6-7 muffin cups, leaving a slight cavity in the centre for filling. Bake the cups for about 20 minutes.
In the meantime, mix the ingredients for the cream.
Remove the baked cups from the oven. Place a few blueberries in the cavity and spread the cream over them. Finally, top as desired, e.g. with blueberries and grated coconut.
Brownie & Blondi

- 50 g Whey Protein Brownie
- 250 g flour
- 15 g baking cocoa
- 10 g peanut butter
- 1 bag of baking powder
- 4 eggs
- 150 g berries
- optionally some sweetener
- 50 g Whey Protein Caramel Cream
- 250 g flour
- 15 g peanut flour
- 10 g coconut oil
- 1 bag of baking powder
- 4 eggs
- 150 g berries
- optionally some sweetener
Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat.
Mix the ingredients for both doughs. Then spread the mixture as thickly as possible on a baking tray lined with baking paper (half brownie and half blondie). Bake the cookies for 25 - 30 minutes.
Protein Mango Cups

- 40 g Whey Protein Cookies
- 20 g oat flakes
- 80 g quark
- 1 egg
- 60 g mango (chopped)
- 1/2 bag of baking powder
- a little bit of sweetener
- 40 g Whey Protein Mango Passion Fruit
- 200 g quark
- 1 sheet gelatine
- a little bit of sweetener
Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat.
Mix the ingredients for the batter. Fill 1/3 of the batter into the muffin tins. Bake for about 15 minutes.
In the meantime, soak the gelatine in cold water. Mix the remaining ingredients for the topping to a cream. Now heat the soaked gelatine in a pot and add the cream.
Pour the topping onto the finished cup cakes and leave the Mango Cups to set in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Finally, decorate the cups with a mint leaf.
Chocolate Peanut Waffles

- 20 g Whey Protein Chocolate
- 20 g Whey Protein Salted Peanut
- 20 g almond flour
- 3 g bag of baking powder
- 100 g curd cheese
- 1 egg
- 40 ml water
- optionally some sweetener
- peanut butter
- peanuts
Preheat the waffle iron. Mix all the ingredients into a doughand bake for approx. 4 - 6 minutes. Top the finished waffles with peanut butter and peanuts, for example, and enjoy warm
Snickerdoodle Apple Quark

- 25 g Whey Protein Snickerdoodle
- 250 g low-fat quark
- 1 grated apple
- some milk/vegetable drink or water
Grate the apple and put it directly into a bowl. Add the low-fat quark and the Whey protein and mix well. Add a little more milk or water until the desired consistency is reached. If necessary, add a little bit of cinnamon.
Mamor Cake

- 25 g Whey Protein Vanilla
- 25 g Whey Protein Chocolate
- 25 g almond flour
- 25 g coconut flour
- 15 g linseed flour
- 5 g baking cocoa
- 40 g erythritol
- 1/2 packet (8 g) baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 2 courgettes (approx. 350 g)
- 160 ml water or milk
Preheat the oven to 175 °C fan oven.
First peel the courgettes, grate them finely and squeeze out the liquid. Now mix all the ingredients together except for the Whey protein and the cocoa powder.
Divide the dough in half. Mix one half with Vanilla Whey and the other half with Chocolate Whey and baking cocoa.
Pour the two doughs one after the other into a cake tin and mix a little with a fork. Grease the tin beforehand if necessary.
Bake the cake for about 50 minutes. After about 30 minutes, cover the cake to prevent it from getting too dark. Leave the finished cake to cool slowly in the oven with the door open and then place it in the fridge to cool.
Cookie Milk Rice

- 50 g Whey Protein Cookies
- 100 g rice
- some sweetener
Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packet. Reduce the water slightly so that it becomes sloppy. Let the rice cool down and stir in the Whey Protein. Add a little bit of sweetener if needed.
Exotic Bisquit Roll

- 50 g Whey Protein Coconut White Chocolate
- 20 g almond flour
- 150 g low-fat quark
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 bag of baking powder
- optionally some sweetener
- 30 g Whey Protein Mango Passion Fruit
- 100 g low-fat quark
- 1 nectarine (diced)
- some water
- optionally some sweetener
Preheat the oven to 175 °C top and bottom heat.
Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until it is stiff. Mix the remaining ingredients for the pastry and carefully fold in the beaten egg whites.
Spread the dough on baking paper (min. 1/2 cm thick) and bake for approx. 15 - 20 minutes. Allow the finished biscuit base to cool briefly and carefully remove from the baking paper.
Mix all the ingredients for the cream filling and spread over the baked base. Finally, carefully roll it up, wrap in some foil and leave it in the fridge for at least an hour before cutting the biscuit roll into pieces.
Pumpkin Pie

- 50 g Whey Protein Vanilla Ice Cream
- 80 g fine oats
- 350 g pumpkin
- 150 g berries
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 packet of baking powder
- a little bit of cinnamon
- optionally some sweetener
Preheat the oven to 170 °C top and bottom heat.
Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and cook in the microwave with a little bit of water for about 7 minutes. Alternatively, you can cook it in a saucepan until soft. Then puree it. Mix the remaining ingredients with the pumpkin puree. Now bake the pumpkin pie for about 40 - 45 minutes.